Artist Directory: Drawing and Painting

Karina Cabanikova

My work always passes Freud's Essay Uncanny, familiar yet strange at the same time. I'm currently trying to be open to every method, problem and subject rather than categorize myself. Egon Schiele influences my work very often with his edgy, uncanny, sexist lines - yet minimal. My work is full of ''gaze''; questioning a womans position in ''male'' work and asking - is being naked and nude in front of male audience perceived as pornography? Berger insists that woman is still taken as an object as in oil paintings for pleasure to have an appearance benefits from woman. ''Men act and woman appear.'' I entirely agree with Berger but I have to ask, is not democracy all about freedom and equality?

Zan Dani

What if things had been different? This is a question that has permeated into my artwork ever since I began to get involved with the artistic world. As I developed experience creating and analysing art I felt myself become more mature and started to look at the question in a much broader sense. Instead of relating my artwork closely to my past I instead opened up this question to start thinking about reality itself. I started to wonder what the world would look like if its physical appearance could be limited to the informed and biased imagination of its inhabitants. This sudden change morphed into an obsession with the unknown; a wonderful adventure into my curiosity had begun.

Leigh Annie-Louise Hutchinson

The Brain, An Organ that even today's scientists still don't quite understand when it comes to its complicity and capability. For artist Leigh Hutchinson she looks at different ways of investigating the human psyche and the unique and individual ways we see and read into events and images placed in front of us, Along with behaviour and reactions to day, to day things. Using corrosive materials and looking at artist such as Kara walker's black and white silhouette art works for inspiration Leigh has used personal experiences of such discrimination and racism to mix together and use these feelings and effects to show the inner hurt that mentally the brain can find hard to forget and let go of.

Aimee Mary Jordan

I was born and raised in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia before moving to Bucharest in Romania. My painting work relies on several processes and layering to attain the required playful and dream-like effects. My current practice is greatly affected by an obsession with natural forms and their oddities. I find most of my inspiration from the vast natural history museums as well as travelling and the collection of unusual and exotic animal bones. Although my work at the moment focuses on a very macabre subject matter I have chosen to use colour and pattern through digital manipulating to break down the stereotypical views.

Danielle Morrin

Through painting and photography, my current practice aims to recapitulate the experience of being immersed within nature. Translating experience into expression, I focus specifically on the aesthetic appreciation of the landscape, which has evolved into an articulate understanding of how the mind and eye work when perceiving a scene.

Richard Prince



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